Scientific Programmes
The detailed
EuropaCat Scientific Programme is available - click here to download
Poster Programmes - for
[NB. The format for posters was A0 Portrait (841mm × 1189mm / 33.11in × 46.81in)]
The Europacat X poster sessions took place in the Glasgow University Union Building at the bottom of University Avenue
The aim of EuropaCat X was to be a unified
conference, covering all the many and varied aspects of catalysis.
The outline timetable is available here:
Timetable (PDF Format)
Timetable (Microsoft Excel Format)
Selective Oxidation workshop programme
The selective
oxidation workshop took place in the Boyd Orr building (off
University Avenue), with the associated poster session being held
across the road in the Wolfson Medical Building
Selective Oxidation Workshop Abstracts - updated December 2011
Plenary Lecturers
We are pleased to announce the following as Plenary Lecturers:
- Prof. Manfred Reetz
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim)
Tuning Monooxygenases by Genetic and Chemical Means
- Prof. Istvan Horvath
(City University of Hong Kong)
Heterogenization of Homogeneous Catalytic Systems
- Prof. Charles T. Campbell
(University of Washington)
Thermodynamics and kinetics of elementary reaction steps on late transition metal catalysis, and in their sintering
- Prof. Rutger van Santen
(University of Eindhoven, FG lecturer)
Structure sensitivity and unsensitivity in heterogeneous catalysis
- Prof. Matthias Beller
(Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Rostock)
Development of Practical Molecular-defined Catalysts for Industrial Applications and Hydrogen Technology
Keynote Lecturers
We are pleased to announce the following as Keynote Lecturers:
Dr Chuck Peden
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory:
“Excellent Activity and Selectivity of Cu-SSZ-13 in the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3”
Dr Mizuki Tada
University of Tokyo:
“Design of molecularly imprinted metal-complex catalysts for selective catalysis"
Prof. Gary Attard
Cardiff University:
“Electrochemical perspectives on Catalysis”
Dr Joseph Kocal
“Conversion of 2nd Generation Renewable Feedstocks to Fungible Liquid Transportation Fuels”
Prof. Erik Fridell
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute:
"Shipping - emissions, regulations and aftertreatment"
Dr Detre Teschner
Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin:
“Application of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis in catalytic research”
Prof. Shi-Gang Sun
Xiamen University:
“Metal nanocrystals of high surface energy and high catalytic activity"
Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez
ETH Zurich:
"Transient mechanistic studies in heterogeneous catalysis: recent success stories"
Prof. Xinhe Bao
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
"Catalytic Chemistry of the Nano-confined Systems"
Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
"Probing Catalysts in Action: Time and spatially resolved information using X-ray absorption spectroscopy"

Glasgow's Bute Hall, one of the Conference Venues