EuropaCat X

Catalysis: across the disciplines

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Europacat X is grateful for the support and sponsorship of the Glasgow Convention Bureau

Images of Glasgow

Glasgow by Night

Campus Life

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now closed. Abstract acceptance will be notified shortly.

Please use the template provided to
produce your abstract. The abstract should be no longer than the one
page of the template.
Click here to download the abstract template (MS Word Document format).

Abstracts were submitted against one of the following categories:

December 2011:
Abstracts from the Selective Oxidation Workshop are now available online here.

Bute Hall
Glasgow's Bute Hall, one of the Conference Venues


Copyright ŠEuropaCat X, 2010-2011.

EuropaCat X - a unifying conference covering all aspects of Catalysis